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  • GardenForGood

Gardening for Good: Weeks 3-4

Lots of planning is happening for this year's garden for good!

The highlights of my work include:

- Brainstorming ideas for my gardens this year. I have some initial sketches done and am working on using a square foot garden planning tool to further refine. This year, I am going to expand the gardens a bit. I am starting to sprawl, but this is due to where we get the most sun as well as a reluctance to lose more open yard for activities (sports, playing, running the dog, etc.). The original garden plot is in the back of the yard, while the new area will be in the upper side yard... Not ideal for efficiency, but it will give me more room to grow!

- Researching and considering companion planting. I dedicated a good amount of time to sketching out suggested companion plants, incompatibilities, etc., to consider in the garden planning. I also read various articles about The Three Sisters; this traditional planting method with corn, squash, and beans, and The Four Sisters includes sunflowers or bee balm. It is something I've always wanted to try. I am working to incorporate an area for The Four Sisters this year. I have not grown corn before, and I am a little anxious to give it a try.

- From my advisor's feedback, I also researched growing MUSHROOMS this week! I had never thought about trying this before. Interestingly enough, the first thought I had was how awesome it would be to grow oyster mushrooms, my favorite. Upon researching, I discovered that oyster mushrooms are apparently considered the easiest type of mushroom to grow. So, I have some more research to do, but I am now considering adding mushrooms to my backyard gardens. It doesn't look super easy, but I might give it a shot.

- If you didn't see it yet, check out the updated pollinator love page on the website! I also filled in more of the resources page.

- Continuing to update the website and to use and learn about Instagram is a big task! It's taking a lot of time, but proving very rewarding. Check out my account and follow me @amomsgarden. I truly am learning so much just by building a web site and by using Instagram. I am just a novice/hobbyist, and I can see how much effort is required in this area for business and brand purposes. This technology/social media factor was a great twist to this project!

- Last but not least: I have been getting my son involved with some seed planting. We harvested our first microgreens yesterday. The beans and sweet pea we started in yogurt cups are doing great (check out my last post - it includes a part on yogurt cup planting!). We also have some lettuce growing in a cedar planter. The lettuce plants are looking a little weak, but I added a grow light because I think they needed more light.

Thank you for following along. I look forward to learning and doing more in the coming weeks. I hope that in just a few months' time, I'll have big and fun updates from outside in the garden!

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